
I'll try to write more about specific poems and process later, but for now

It's difficult to keep this new blog focused on my new poems and the writing process for several reasons---I've been traveling a bit, taking short trips here and there, including a trip to Los Angeles for the weekend to see a very good friend. We're going to the Los Angeles International Film Festival. Can't wait to be down there. I've been up to Modesto a few times to see family, which is always great. My niece is such a cute and active little girl! It's also tough to focus on my writing of new poems because I haven't done much with any of them in the last week. No, check that. A poet-friend has been giving me very good advice, especially with the endings of the poems. The most recent one I'm working on is called "The Choir Sings Arpeggio," which is about a choir that attempts to stop a violent storm with its voices.


I think it's time I get some poems out to some literary magazines. It's been a while.


Happy Father's Day to all the fathers!


  1. Lee, I admire your productivity, despite all that you have on your plate (teaching, parenting...). I'm still in a post-book trough, but feel new poems stirring. Your energy and focus are inspiring. And thanks for mentioning my book...

  2. Thanks, Mari. I'm plugging away....slowly but surely. I see you're reading in September with Joseph and Oliver, great guys and great poets...I hope to make it up to the Bay for that.
