

What has me writing a lot these days is a culmination of a very long year and reaching the point where intake must give way to production. Having a lot to say only gets a person so far, though. Here are some things, in no particular order, that have inspired me---yesterday, I received Jane Jeong Trenka's new memoir, Fugitive Visions, in the mail. Jane had sent me a PDF draft of the book months ago, but it's exciting to see the final product. It doesn't happen very often that I open a book and read twenty pages right then and there, but it happened today. I will be blogging more about Jane's book in the near future, I'm certain.

On Saturday in the East Bay, I had a wonderful conversation over a late breakfast with two good poet friends. Every time I see them, I leave inspired and glad that they are in the world. Every minute I am with my beautiful daughter, there is inspiration---not so much to go and write a poem about fatherhood, but about larger and more fundamental rootedness, understanding, and hope that drives or creates the tension for much of what I write. A while back, she was in my arms as we walked up to the front door. It was the middle of the day, and the moon was visible in its distant white way in the blue sky. She reached up, as if to grab it and then clenched her fist as if she indeed took the moon in her hands. She said, "Daddy, it's the moon. Here. It's for you," and then motioned for me to open my hand. I did, and she pretended to plunk the moon right down in my hand.

At any rate, good friends, good books, and loved ones are making for a good summer of writing. I am working on several poems simultaneously, still drafting "Fire" and I have changed the title of "Consciousness as Storm" to "1+1 Equals Everything." I'm sure that title will change again. Titles are difficult, aren't they? Lastly, I have started a new poem called "Paper," so when it's gone through a few more drafts, maybe I'll post it here.


This is Against Me! live in Los Angeles in 2006, right before they were named Spin magazine's Band of the Year. I saw them live on this tour, and it's true what they say---one of the best live bands around. Sitting in the balcony and singing along with Tom and the crowd is a great experience. This song is called "White People for Peace."

White People for Peace - Against Me!

East and west could not agree
So their generals gave a call and gathered at the border
With guns ready, drawn and aimed
each side was praying to a god
to bless them with strength and courage
it was in his name that artillery lit the sky on fire
the people sang protest songs to try and stop the soldier's gun

Protest Songs in a response to Military Aggression
Protest songs to try and stop the soldier's gun
But the battle raged on

Sirens filled the air and the ground shook with war
Civilian casualties has been a cost that was predetermined
when interviewed for report victims pleaded in frustration
Their claim: That this was a war without reason
Bureacrats enraged in debate to try and reach a resolution
the people sang protest songs to try and stop the soldier's gun

Protest Songs in a response to Military Aggression
Protest songs to try and stop the soldier's gun
But the battle raged on

The Broadcast like their prayers went unanswered and ignored
god, like the rest of the world, just watched in silence
There was purpose to be served, there were fortunes to be earned
before a peace could be called to stop a war

Protest Songs in a response to Military Aggression
Protest songs to try and stop the soldier's gun
But the battle raged on

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